Tuesday, June 3, 2014

NO Fast Food Challenge

After weeks of pondering on whether or not i wanted to start this challenge i finally made the decision to accept. Let me start off with telling you a little bit about this challenge.

To state the obvious you are giving up ALL forms of fast food for a month, yes a whole 30 days.

and yes this does include: Subway. which i am not happy about. Pizza places. Chinese takeout. Milkshakes. STARBUCKS. Panera bread.  salads from fast food places.. you get the point. 

That's it, it is a very basic challenge but believe it or not it is something that a lot of people will struggle with. I however am not someone that eats fast food multiple times a week I do however forget my lunch some days and need to grab something quick, or i pass a Starbucks and of course i have to stop and sometimes i just get a craving for bojangles. I would say i eat fast food anywhere from 3-5 times max a month but i still feel like this will be challenging for me and that i will benefit from this. So yesterday was day one of this challenge and honestly i was craving a oreo cheesecake milkshake from cookout when i left work, haha i can see how this is going to go but of course I did not stop and get one so go me! 

I will be updating you when i get halfway through this challenge and then again when my 30 days are complete to tell you my thoughts and how well i did or did not do with this! If you also decided to challenge yourself please stop by the blog and let me know how you do with it!


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