Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Words you Speak..

Bored at work this afternoon, story of my life. I was strolling through my twitter feed and I came across this picture. All at once 56,568 thoughts ran through my mind. Its amazing how powerful and inspirational a picture can be.

My first thought, and not one of my proudest moments was that I wouldn't speak at all. I would go completely mute because there is no way i would want to walk around with my whole entire body looking like that. I promise I am not a horty torty person. Then I got to thinking, that if everyone was born and from the time you started speaking the words you spoke would appear on your skin then we would not know any different as far as looks, we would think that this is normal. 

This picture not only intrigued me, but it made me break down the kind of person that I am. If you know me you know that I have no filter over my mouth and if you don't know me, WARNING: proceed listening with caution. I am extremely guilty of not thinking before I speak, and I more times than I should speak out of anger. Speaking out of anger is my biggest flaw, I always regret what I said, most of the time I say things to hurt the person I am angry with, and after I cool down I can not believe the crap that came out of my mouth.

 If the words I spoke appeared on my skin I would without a doubt be more careful of what I say. I do not want to display the hurtful words I sometimes speak. shame on me, but we are all human. I can just admit it!  I believe that the words you speak show the kind of person that you are. Despite my flaws I am not a spiteful, cruel, or uncaring person. Friends of mine and family would describe me as kind and caring with a slight attitude problem. hey I'm a woman, what can I say? 

The sad thing is the people that would describe me as kind and caring, are the ones that I sometimes take my anger out on. To my advantage they know me inside and out. They know my good sides and my bad sides. However, the women that glances my way in the grocery store, the stranger I pass walking down the hall, or the man that comes to my door to deliver a pizza, does not. You can not judge a person by glancing at them. This is why the words that we speak are so important.

If spoken words appeared on my skin they would see all. They would see the good words that I most often speak, the words I speak out of anger and the cuss words I say when I get frustrated or annoyed. What kind of person do you look like to the people in the world that do not know you? To the ones that do not want to take the time to get to know you? They would read the bad and not care enough to get to know the good. 

I am so happy that found this picture. Today I am challenging myself to truly think about the words that I speak and the affects they have on others. I am challenging myself to allow the words I chose to speak make me a better person. I am also ..... challenging YOU.


Sunday, April 13, 2014

32 things that make me HaPpY!

Well my dears, this post was suppose to be a link-up. However, I suck at life and I completely forgot to post it and now of course it is over. I enjoyed writing this so much and enjoyed reading other bloggers responses that I wanted to post mine anyway.  There is a lot of things that make me happy in life and I am so happy that i can actually say that because there are other people that are not so fortunate. I think that people forget about the little things in life and that is NO way to live. i can not imagine all the cartons of ice cream that I would ingest if that was the case, not to mention all the excess weight gain. 

I love my family, friends, pets, and so on and so forth. They take up such a big part of my heart and I could not live without their support and guidance. However this list below I focused on the little things. Hope you enjoy!!

1. First cup of coffee in the mornings. The second, third and fourth are also my favorites.

2. Movies. especially with a good love story line, that makes me grin from ear to ear, and i do this really embarrassing clapping of my hands thing.

3. Fireworks. every color, shape, etc. I think fireworks should go off in the sky every night, not just on certain holidays.

4. Diet Coke

5. When i face one of my fears. story here.

6. Satisfying my sweet tooth. I could not just say chocolate because that leaves out all the other amazing sweets i enjoy.

7. The moment when I wake up in the morning and cory is snuggled up to me peacefully sleeping away.

8. shopping. multiple times a week. who has a problem? not me!

9. Red velvet CobbleStone candles from Kirklands.

10. Quilts.

11. When i complete the perfect sock bun or side braid on my lazy days.

12. Flowers.

13. A clean house. A clean house. A clean house. A clean house. i can not say this enough.

14. Traveling.

15. Being Tan…. not so much the whole tanning process.

16. Waking up in the middle of the right and realizing i still have hours to sleep.

17. Being barefoot. I hate wearing shoes, and i wish it was socially acceptable to never wear them.

18. The whole Christmas holiday, and all the festivities that comes along with it.

19. The feeling of freshly shaved legs on clean sheets. ahhhhhhhmazinggggggggg.

20.  Tim Riggins from friday night lights. also Nate, Chuck, and Dan from Gossip Girl.

21.  when the clock goes from 4:59 to 5:00pm on a Friday !

22.  a good book.

23. sweet written hand notes.

24. the golden girls.

25. Fall time.

26. yoga pants.

27. my grandma's house.

28. organization

29. adding more makeup to my collection.

30. good hair days.

31. comfort food.

32. making good decisions, falling my dreams and what my future brings.